About Golf



The absolute golf sport no-gos

Important! Please observe the following Points!

As the stereotype „Golf as meetingpoint for the rich ones“ is meanwhile totally antiquated, nowadays golf – and one of the most popular gamemode – versions „matchplay“ – are exercised with pleasure just under professionals as well as among beginners. But especially for beginners it is highly important to be well prepared for starting golf.

To avoid disgrace and beginner’s mistake, we’ve just listed the five worst sins in golf or matchplay for you:

1. Take care of your Bag!

Never put you bag and trolley-suitcase on the pre-green or the green of the golf course, because otherwise you could probably interfere in your teammates’ putt line.

2. Never distract any players by talking!

As golf is a variation of team sports, it is essential to face other golfers with respect and politeness. If you see another golfer preparing oneself directly before the tee off, he will be super concentrated and for reasons of fairplay and respect, you should never distract him by moving or talking at this stage.

3. Watch out for the putt line!

Never step on the putt line, thus the line between golf hole and golf ball. Neither on your own nor on the one of any other golf player.

4. Straighten the damaged green after the shot!

The golf course mainly consists of perfectly prepared greens, but to maintain this, it is mandatory that every golfer protects it. As the rules of golf imply that you are not allowed to modify the green – especially not before your golf shot – you can only protect the green by not damaging it. So please be vigilant about your spikes to not cause turf damage! Also if you damaged it by your tee off, please straighten the green aft.

5. Maintain a sufficient safety distance!

To minimize the risk of injury: Never shot your golf ball if there is any person nearby who could be hurt by your shot! A sufficient safety distance is substantial in golfing!

Generally all golf courses are based on the official golf rules, but occasionally golf clubs do also have individual instructions for their club. If you want to become a good and acclaimed golfer, you should always adhere to the rules and always be proactive in fairplay and honesty.

In order to never start off with the wrong foot at the golf course, you should always and in every period of your carreer – thus as beginner, amateur or professional – have those no-gos in your mind!